Day Two

Day Two

Day Two is 25% shorter, and has easier rapids than the first day. It does however contain four unique weirs that make this stage distinctive.

D22016The day starts with the new  Baroda Chute, built during the winter of 2016.

The first half of the river is straightforward and forgiving. There are some wide rolling rapids, with large waves that keep it exciting, as well as some long pools through avenues of reeds and sandstone banks giving you a chance to savour the Klein Karoo scenery!

The rapid immediately below Baroda bridge is probably the trickiest rapid of the day. After passing under the bridge,  paddle strongly to stay clear of the bridge pillars and move to the left or right of the island in the river.

In the final section before the finish in Cradock, you will have to deal with three famous weirs.

Gauging weir can be shot anywhere, but is best negotiated down the centre. Alternatively, the old traditional line close to the left hand pillar is still a good option. Check out more details about this weir here.

Then comes Marlow Chute. This slide was built by the race committee several years back to cut out the portage around the massive Marlow Weir.

The chute is fairly easy, and finishes in a shallow, safe section of river, where it is easy to stand if you fall out, and is therefore recommended for everyone. The entrance to the chute is on the extreme right of the river, an is well marked.  Slide down the steps, brace at the bottom and paddle off! See more about this weir here.

The last weir is the biggest – Cradock weir.  An unusual weir, in that it is three meters high, has a double sloped face (first straight down, then a 45 degree slope at the base), and is  V-shaped.

The portage on the left is easy, and will save anyone behind the top 100 or so paddlers, a long wait in the queue. If you do decide to shoot the weir, do the right thing and wait patiently for your turn and don’t add your name to the list of arrogant queue-jumpers!

Read more about how to shoot this weir here.

The main rule is – Follow the instruction of the lifeguards on duty!

They have a big STOP/GO sign, to ensure you don’t land on top of any swimmers, and will guide you towards a good line for shooting the weir.

From Cradock weir you only have 5km before the finish! Those 5km have some great rapids, with surprisingly big waves, and a hole or two, especially opposite the Cradock Golf course.

Exit at the finish is on the left at the Cradock Sports Fields.  Well done!!  You made it!!!

Prize-giving takes place right there on the rivers bank, so stay and savour your achievement of finishing the Fish and then join in and  enjoy the Hansa Fish Music Festival later that evening!

Download the Day Two Road Map here > or refer to the “Seconding” information on the drop down from “About the Race” tab.

The start is at 7h00. Allow 1¼ hours for travelling, preparation and checking in.
After the start at Knutsford, seconds must take the ONE WAY road next to the railway line to Reveille Bridge (15) or Baroda Bridge (16). Reveille Bridge is close to the start, so, if going there, leave well before the start.
Longacre Bridge (17) is an excellent vantage point with an elevated view upstream and downstream. To proceed to Longacre Bridge, cross over the Baroda Bridge and follow the signs. From Longacre Bridge you go to Gauging Weir (18) on the farm Waaikraal. PLEASE FOLLOW THE SIGNS AND DON’T PARK IN THE LUCERNE! Then proceed in the direction of Cradock and follow the signs for Marlow Chute (20). Follow the Hofmeyr tar road towards Cradock to get to Cradock Weir (21). The bridge at Cradock Weir will be closed – no access for vehicles, spectators only, park off the road. Continue with the tar road into Cradock to the Finish at the Sports Complex.